Welcome back, Whetstone Wildcats!
Get Involved with the PTA
Join Our PTA
Help us keep moving forward for Whetstone Elementary School's 2024-2025 school year by joining the PTA!
PTA members must register each school year. Please use the link below to purchase your membership at our givebacks link! If you would like to pay by cash or check, please complete the PTA Membership Form and return it to your child's teacher with your payment.
Pay PTA Dues
The annual membership fees are $12 for individuals, $20 for families, and $10 for staff.
Three ways to pay:
Pay electronically through website store (link below)
Send Check to WES PTA - c/o Whetstone Elementary School 19201 Thomas Farm Rd, Montgomery Village, MD 20886
Have your child drop the check off at the school office.
New chairpersons and volunteers are needed for WES 2024-2025 School Year​!
Calling all Dads, Moms, Guardians and Grandparents!! We are in need of your expertise to continue the amazing things we provide for our school students, teachers, and staff! Help your kids' school community as we have several PERFECT opportunities for you!!
Make Your Impact with Whetstone Elementary School Parent Teacher Association
Empowering the Next Generation
National PTA Mission
The National PTA mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
Meet Your Local PTA Board Members
Meet your local Whetstone Elementary School PTA Board Members by clicking on the button below.
Why Join PTA
There are many benefits to your child, your child's school, and community from you joining the PTA. Here are 10 Reasons You Belong in PTA.
Hear the benefits directly from parents who have gotten involved, by watching this short video below (also available in Spanish):